Recognising and Managing Addiction

Addiction is a subject often hidden by families because of feelings of utter helplessness and shame. Its presence in the ecclesia may only be evident through infrequent attendance and the blocking of enquiries until suddenly a crisis occurs.

This Awareness Day is for those who are concerned about addiction; those who seek to support brothers and sisters suffering the problems of addiction and those who wish to be prepared should occasion arise in the future involving those close to us.

The day considered:

  • vulnerability to addiction
  • recognising the signs of and acknowledging addiction
  • ways of managing addiction and possible recovery.

Afternoon workshop groups:

  • internet addiction (including gambling and pornography)
  • substance misuse (alcohol and drugs)
  • lifestyle misuse (work, exercise, food, shopping)
  • Supporting families, carers and friends

pdf iconAddiction Handouts – PowerPoint

pdf iconAlcoholic addiction – Helpful Agencies

pdf iconGambling Addiction and problem gambling handout

pdf iconInternet addiction handout

pdf iconParents handout  - A brief helpful guide

pdf iconTalking to children about drugs handout